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Big moves to get here

What started out as 2 farmers on their own farms in Colorado, then forged into one. After doing our best to thrive in the beautiful mountain state the decision was made to move. After a few months of research and not wanting to live 8 months in snowy conditions like we had been, the choice was Missouri. 

The plus side of selling in Colorado and choosing to move where prices were lower is that we had a small cushion of funds to make it easier on us after the sale of the CO farm, and we also upgraded the size of land we could own.

Moving is always hard, but moving a farm? Takes every bit of sanity and patience that one can muster. I wont get into all the stressers that overwhelmed us before the day we left the property for the last time. We got a late start out, and the weather was not in our favor. We left in our trucks(one pulling a trailer) in one of the worst blizzards that either of us had seen.

23 hours... that's how long it took us in what is normally a 13 hour trip. BUT we did finally make it. We still are taken aback at the beauty here. I was able to retire from my day job so farming is my job now and I couldn't be happier. The day will come when Scott can also retire, but thankfully he can telecommute so at least he can stay on site.

We have been on this property long enough now that we are making it our own and it is most empowering to cut and put up our own hay for our animals.

Making the Missouri Ozarks the farm's home seems like the best decision we have ever made, as the animals are all so happy to have so much more space than they had before. We raise Alpacas, Goats, a Household flock of birds, and a small cattle herd for beef and market. The main Homestead garden provides for fresh eating and the pantry during Winter. We sell Alpaca fiber, Finishing Salts, Flavored Sugar and Soaps. We are always learning and open to ideas and sharing in this wonderful Agricultural and Homesteading Community. 

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